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About Us

goddard Library

Mission and Vision

To further Clark’s educational mission, its libraries instruct and guide students, faculty, and staff in accessing and evaluating information in a complex environment. We develop library collections and make available resources that support teaching and research across the University. In creating intellectual partnerships with our community, we strive to be fully engaged in the collaborative educational process.

In our commitment to these educational endeavors, the libraries engage in the following:

  • Instruct and educate students, faculty, and staff in developing critical and analytical information-seeking skills that enable lifelong learning and independent scholarly pursuit
  • Select, acquire, and preserve materials of quality, breadth, and depth — in traditional and innovative formats — that support the University’s curriculum and research
  • Organize library collections according to accepted practices and ensure timely access to these resources
  • Provide access to local, national, and international information
  • Support the aforementioned functions within the Archives and Special Collections, focusing primarily on the history of Clark University and its surrounding communities

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Poems on Various Subjects, Religious and Moral book cover
A rare, first-edition volume of “Poems on Various Subjects, Religious and Moral” by Phillis Wheatley Peters, considered by many to be the mother of African-American literature, is housed in Goddard Library’s Archives and Special Collections.

The Clark Libraries act to promote the ideals of diversity, equity, and inclusion in our spaces, collections, and services. We strive to hire staff and student employees from underrepresented groups. We support Clark’s campuswide initiatives to support diversity, equity, and inclusion.

Clark libraries are dedicated to celebrating the literature and scholarship of underrepresented groups and hold events and display collections annually.

Please share your feedback about how the Clark Libraries can work to create safe spaces for all by contacting University Librarian Laura Robinson at or writing to

By the Numbers

Our library is here to serve you, online or in person. Below, we let the numbers tell the story.

student looking at computer


Computers stations for Clark students, faculty, and staff

Public Computing Spaces


Open hours each week during the academic year

View Today's Hours

1 million+

Hits on the library website per year

Library Home Page


Full text e-books available through the library website

Ebook Databases


Streaming videos available through the library website

A-Z Databases
student looking at lapto


Of seats to study quietly or work with others, with beautiful views in every direction

Library Research Tutorial
Student employee sitting at library desk

12 / 20+

Staff / student employees to provide you with services and assistance to help your studies

Contact Us


Of scholarly articles from journals across disciplines

View ILLiad
library book layed out on table


Physical items (books, archival resources, microfilm, photographs, maps, etc.) on five floors

Library Orientation


Search via Discovery at Clark Libraries to find what you need

Library Home Page
student looking at computer


Computers stations for Clark students, faculty, and staff

Public Computing Spaces


Open hours each week during the academic year

View Today's Hours

1 million+

Hits on the library website per year

Library Home Page


Full text e-books available through the library website

Ebook Databases


Streaming videos available through the library website

A-Z Databases
student looking at lapto


Of seats to study quietly or work with others, with beautiful views in every direction

Library Research Tutorial
Student employee sitting at library desk

12 / 20+

Staff / student employees to provide you with services and assistance to help your studies

Contact Us


Of scholarly articles from journals across disciplines

View ILLiad
library book layed out on table


Physical items (books, archival resources, microfilm, photographs, maps, etc.) on five floors

Library Orientation


Search via Discovery at Clark Libraries to find what you need

Library Home Page
Contact Information

Robert H. Goddard Library

Office Location